Basic Haskell project setup (unit tests, code, formatting)
October 14, 2016 [Haskell, Programming, Programming Languages]To start a programming project, we need to be able to build, format code, and run unit tests.
Here's what I have found makes a sensible starting point for a Haskell project. Full code: hunit-example.
To build and run tests, just do:
make setup make test
I tend to use a Makefile for all the commands I need to remember. The most important part here is the "setup" target which installs the cabal-install package (Cabal is a package manager for Haskell), then uses Cabal to install hindent, and finally installs all the dependencies of our actual project (which we specify in a .cabal file, shown further down). The format target uses hindent-all, which is shown below.
Update: added "happy" as a prerequisite - needed by hindent.
all: testtest: format cabal test
build: format cabal build
format: ./hindent-all
clean: cabal clean
setup: sudo apt-get install cabal-install happy cabal update cabal install hindent cabal install --run-tests
Our production code is very simple - just two functions.
module HUnitExample wheredouble x = x * 2
half x = x / 2
Our tests import our production code, and use tasty (which includes HUnit) to check it works.
import HUnitExample (double, half) import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCase)main = defaultMain unitTests
unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests" [doublingMakesNumbersBigger, halvingMakesNumbersSmaller]
doublingMakesNumbersBigger = testCase "Double of 4 is 8" $ assertEqual [] 8 (double 4)
halvingMakesNumbersSmaller = testCase "Half of 9 is 4" $ assertEqual [] 4 (half 9)
Each test is a testCase that uses assertions like assertEqual to verify the code. HUnit also provides lots of cryptic operators for obfuscating your tests.
Many projects will want to add property-based testing with QuickCheck or SmartCheck or similar.
The magic that makes all this work is the Cabal file, which can have any name that ends in ".cabal".
Name: hunit-example Version: 1.0.0 cabal-version: >= 1.8 build-type: SimpleLibrary Exposed-Modules: HUnitExample Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5
Test-Suite test-hunit-example type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: tests Main-is: Tests.hs Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5 , tasty , tasty-hunit , hunit-example
You will normally want lots more properties than this, but this is what I think is a minimal example. It defines the project properties, the production library module we are building, and a test suite that tasty uses to know what to run. Note that the test suite must depend on the production code module so you are allowed to import it.
To do code formatting, I made this bash script:
#!/bin/bashFormat all .hs files in the current directory tree with hindent
function all_hs_files() { find ./ -name dist -prune -o -name "*.hs" -print }
for FILE in $(all_hs_files); do { NEWFILE=${FILE}.formatted cat ${FILE} | ${HINDENT} > ${NEWFILE}
if diff -q ${FILE} ${NEWFILE} >/dev/null; then { rm ${NEWFILE} } else { echo "hindent updated ${FILE}" mv ${NEWFILE} ${FILE} }; fi
}; done
I would be grateful if someone pointed out I didn't need to do that because someone has done it for me. Note: I chose not to use hfmt because it hard-codes a long line length, whereas hindent behaves how I like with no configuration.
Last but not least, ignore the directory created by Cabal.
So, when we run we see this:
$ make test ... Running 1 test suites... Test suite test-hunit-example: RUNNING... Unit tests Double of 4 is 8: OK Half of 9 is 4: FAIL expected: 4.0 but got: 4.5 1 out of 2 tests failed (0.00s) ...
Looks like we've got a bug to fix...