Rust 101 – 44: Undefined behaviour

If you write unsafe Rust, you need to reason about “undefined behaviour”. We talk through what that means, and try to develop an intuition about why we can’t predict how our program will behave if we don’t follow the rules.

Series: Language basics, More syntax, Traits and generics, Building applications, Concurrency and parallelism, Trait objects, Async, Unsafe

This section (Async): 42: Why unsafe?, 43: Meaning of unsafe, 44: Undefined behaviour


The course materials for this series are developed by tweede golf. You can find more information at and you can sponsor the work at They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

This series of videos is copyright 2024 Andy Balaam and the tweede golf contributors and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

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