Home Work

Land of those waiting in for a plumber,
The kitchen table entrepreneurs,
Pupils getting the minimum done.

Now invaded by the bemused,
The unmotivated and distracted
Stranded indefinitely.

Divided from their brothers and sisters
Out there, in the outside world,
Who still put on shoes.

The privileged in their castle,
Looking out on a garden,
Looking in on twitter.

The isolated in their prison,
Caught in four walls
Planning each excursion.

Now we are working remotely,
Socially distanced, apart,
Trying to touch through a screen.

We are home schooling,
Sorted by social strata
By technology, space and support.

We are furloughed,
Waiting for a welcome back
Or a casting adrift.

We are jobless,
Navigating zoom recruitment
Trying to maintain hope.

We are out in the thick of it
Visited by those home workers
Like blinking tourists.

When can we hand in our homework,
Stow the laptops, uninstall zoom?
Join inside and out.

What will we return to?
After this sorting and division,
What new normal will we build?