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Past TODO List |
The old Past TODO listThis is what we did to create past releases of FreeGuide. To see what we're doing now, check out the current TODO list. Time flows upwards in this document. Completed Tasks Legend + means done by Andy Balaam x means done by Sagar Shah * means done by Walter Duncan ^ means done by Dave Torok b means done by Brendan Corrigan e means done by Ewan Harrow m means done by Mike Dean y means done by Yann 'PoV' Coupin r means done by Rob Stewart w means done by William Ballard c means done by Christian Weiske a means done by Alex Buloichik z means done by Zurich student contributors mm means done by Michael McLagan j means done by José Alburquerque rh means done by Rick Hendershot ra means done by Régis Archambault Release 0.10.6 (Bug fixes - download and upgrade)j Numerous bug fixes for download dialog behaviour, especially when download fails j Fix occasional freeze of download dialog j Prevent button text being cut off in English translation rh Progress towards being able to offer a Java Web Start version rh Fix shell script line endings. rh Ensure plugin resources exist on startup mm Fedora build fixes rh Download dialog fixes j Disable some buttons when download is in progress ra Update French translation + Update docs for Schedules Direct + Upgrade to XMLTV 0.5.50 + Update list of grabbers to match XMLTV 0.5.50 + Remove duplicate copy of XMLTV from Windows download + Refactor grabbers list to make changes easier + Fix "XMLTV doesn't exist" bug caused by two threads trying to unpack XMLTV at the same time + Fix missing upgrade code for versions between 0.10 and 0.10.4 + Refactor upgrade code to prevent mistakes in the future + Ensure unpacked XMLTV dir gets deleted on upgrade (to allow a new one to be unpacked) + Build a Windows EXE by typing "ant dist-exe" + Build a Windows EXE on Linux by typing "ant dist-exe-lin" + Fix bugs with right-click menu not appearing when a programme had a URL + Reinstate "Go to web site" menu option for programmes with URLs Release 0.10.5 (Compatible with Schedules Direct)a Implement running the relevant script at the right time. z Add Record check box to favourite editor + Reinstate version check z Add Record menu item c Fix i18n to use Java's implementation, instead of re-implementing from scratch! Add support for native2ascii to the build process, so translators can still use utf-8 or whatever input files. c Vertical Viewer and Horizontal Viewer's Search menu item don't use the user defined look and feel + Revert recording code + Generally check it works + Lots of other things that need extracting by reading the commit log Release 0.10.4 (Search, vertical viewer, and many bug fixes)c Implement vertical viewer c Delete old .ser files when they are 4 weeks old - again, probably should be done on exit. + Apply Christian's changes to the contact.xml page (see email of 2006-01-24 c Make the Quit menu command end the application c When you have no grabbers, and you tell FG to download, it should give a proper error message, instead of just doing nothing. a Make the programme details pane show the time using the chosen 12/24 hour format preference + Remove ">" character following channel icons in the program details pane (see Joe Blow's Feb 24 email) + Make episode title display again in the program details pane & the personalized TV guide instead of repeating the program title + Make "Show tooltips" option work again in the horizontal viewer. + Migrate to SVN, make life easier for developers, source code re-arrangement + Migrate to SVN + Re-arrange package structure - including making FreeGuide a normal plugin + Put all source code inside src/ instead of spread everywhere. Make the layout reflect the package structure + Move all non-source out of src/ + Make it work running "java" inside src/ dir + Make it work running "java -jar" in build/package/ dir + Search inside the current dir for doc and install directories before complaining + Checking README box launches to a page that doesn't exist and redirects + Put back (Repeat) indicators on programmes that are repeats. + Clicking a programme does not update the bottom-right programme details panel + Choosing a programme does not always make it appear in the guide. c Delete old manual selections from preferences when they are 2 weeks old. This should probably be done when we exit FreeGuide. + Make i18n work for all the plugins, and figure out what was wrong when I tested zh_TW. + Move translatable strings from plugin.xml files into .properties files in src/resources/i18n + Put back selected programme color selection in the options screen + Make a new text box for configuring a grabber as well as for running it (see Andy's 2006-05-17 email) + Create a nightly build from SVN a Pop up a proper error message when the XMLTV exe is missing. a Check that Java is installed during the installer, and refuse to install if not (since the shortcuts won't work if Java is not installed). + Get Andy's friend Alban to do Chinese translations a Remove Plugins Manager UI. a Remove es_digital grabber; add _be grabber, Israeli grabber, and any other current grabbers + Prevent non-default grabber commands from turning red, see [http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=10368093&forum_id=7396 this thread] a Make the FreeGuide icon appear in the task bar (currently only does for Please Wait dialog) a When downloading is finished (successfully), the downloading dialogue should say "Download completed successfully". a Automatically Show Details if a grabbing error occurs. Don't close the window. a Fix weird install when java is not installed (shortcuts don't install) a Check the Swiss grabber tv_grab_ch exists, and if not, remove Switzerland from FreeGuide + Fix the "Show programme times" toggle for the horizontal viewer, currently times are always shown + Fix clicking on a search result or programme in personalised guide - select the selected programme properly. + Keyboard navigation of Search dialog. + Keyboard navigation should remember the horizontal position when you press up or down, not start going from the middle of the programme you move to. + Allow browsing empty days (in the future, but not the past). + Documentation c Change java -jar FreeGuide.jar to java -jar startup.jar everywhere it appears. c Fix the headings on the FAQ - they are not bold and contain a line break. + Say which .exe to download on windows! + Add instructions on getting a labs.zap2it.com key + Change wording of the proxy server section to make it clear most people WON'T need to do this. + Make sure we have enough on how to modify grabber config, change channels, etc. + Add instructions on downloading Java for Windows + Clarify RPM-based installation instructions (see Andy Kennedy's 2006-04-13 email) + Put section title below chapter title instead of above + Link to Richard Turnbull's site http://www.kudos.byethost15.com/freeguide/ + If you installed jdk only, or your java.exe is not in system path, it will report error about there is no java found. + There is no message for key ErrorBox.Text.Windows about error executins xmltv.exe Release 0.10.3 (Transition to stable release)+ Fix the keyboard navigation as described here: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=9290849&forum_id=7396 + Make the "Print this personalised listing" button and menu item workon Linux + Make changing fonts work (at the moment the font is always the default). + Fix the bug identified by Richard Brown here: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=9235293&forum_id=41325 which is where having anything in the data dir appears to make XMLTV download not work properly. + Make sure all the documentation fits with the UI changes in 0.10.x. + Change the home page to say how to download for each platform and region + Check that all the FAQs are still relevant. + Add a "Choose Channels" option to the Tools menu. + Create a single RPM to install, instead of loads + Check that we need the TZ environment variable, and if not, remove it from the documentation, or reduce the urgency of the messages, at least. + --no-plugin-manager implementation + Tools/Choose channels for xmltv submenu + Make programmes that start before 6am and finish after 6am appear in the guide, at the beginning of the day and at the end. a User Guide menu option doesn't work in Windows. a When upgrading to 0.10.2 on Windows, the XMLTV checkbox in options is not checked. a Double click problem when not on the current day. This one is hard to tie down to a specific click here and this happens. When not on the current day, if you double click on a program it will select a different one to add to the daily guide. It's usually a program that's at the bottom of the current screen at either 1/2 or 1 hour later in the day. Reported by rlbfsb@gmail.com # If you change the default for xmltv to more than 7 days the guide only shows 7 days (See Joe Blow's emails) [WONTFIX - problem in tv_grab_na_dd] + Re-order buttons and change wording in Tools menu, Options screen. a Fix channel icons not being displayed. See Jan Knudsen's email of 30/09/2005 a Clicking Exit in First Time Wizard closes FreeGuide. a On migration from 0.8.6, delete old *.xmltv files. COMMENT: Files deleted only if we use the same working directory. a Automatically import XMLTV listings if they're in the data dir. (Just import *.xmltv) a Catch an exception when using an unsuitable Java version, and display a suitable error message to the user (using Java 1.0 AWT) a Test whether only channel icons are displayed when you use a channel set, but icon and name is displayed on All Channels. a Make it repaint correctly when you press "f" on a programme, or double-click a Sometimes you can't click on certain programmes, but you can navigate to them with the keyboard a Make Startup.java accept "--install_directory x" as well as "--install_directory=x" a Make simple tar.gz packages for e.g. Slackware, and so that other packagers can base on that, e.g. Mac OS. a When there are no listings for today FreeGuide should immediately ask whether you want to download as soon as it starts. a Opera should have the command 'opera -newpage "%filename%"' a Change plugin repo packages to be called freeguide-* instead of package-*. a Opera should have the command 'opera -newpage "%filename%"' a Make progress dialog stay open if either: User clicked "Show details", or There was any kind of error Release 0.10.2 (plugins manager, bug fixes)+ Go through all the files that mention the version number and set the version automatically, instead of hard-coding. Don't break eclipse etc. support. Do this in the ant "compile" task. a Reminders are never removed. They should disappear after the time the user has set. + Make a new Windows installer containing all the plugins + Make RPMs for each plugin, and make the freeguide-base and freeguide-all RPMs. + Put latest XMLTV in Windows version a Favourites are not automatically added to the guide a Exiting from the File menu does not exit properly a Keyboard shortcuts for adding a programme to favourites and adding to guide do not work. a "Remind me of progs" option does not stay unchecked. I was able to get it to s tick by editing the registry, though. a "Width of 1hr" change has no effect. I didn't see a setting for that in the registry. a double-click to add to guide not working as it did in 0.10pre1 a favorites from upgrade don't include channel or day details when clicking on edit, but are shown in the main favorites window. In addition, these missing details are not applied to which programs are selected. However, the time details are shown & applied. Editing upgraded favorites to re-include these details still doesn't show in the edit dialog, but they are now properly applied to which programs are selected. a New favorites don't retain the channel info in the "edit" view, but it is properly applied to which programs are selected. a Favourites that have been imported are not displayed with a heart symbol, or added to guide a When I create a new favourite it is marked with a heart, but it is not added to the list of favourites. When I exit and restart, the programme is not marked with a heart. a When an error occurs reading a serialised file, FreeGuide should display an error message, and offer to re-download listings in the new format. a When I start 0.10.2 after running 0.10.1, it forgets that "XMLTV" was checked under Options : Advanced : Grabbers a Running startup.jar from within a different directory gives this error: $ java -jar build/startup.jar E02. Main class('freeguide.FreeGuide') not found java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: freeguide.FreeGuide at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:200) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:188) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:251) at freeguide.Startup.run(Startup.java:110) at freeguide.Startup.main(Startup.java:48) a Call System.exit when we leave FreeGuide. See Joe Blow's email of 01/07/05 a Make the extra program details appear like they did in 0.8.x a Fix inability to change day when using tv-unprocessed.xmltv (does this still happen?) a When you try to enter a day with no downloaded listings, FreeGuide should prompt asking whether you want to download new listings. At the moment it just prevents you from changing to that day. a After I have migrated from 0.10.1 to 0.10.2, my favourites are listed in the file ~/.java/.userPrefs/org/freeguide-tv/mainController/ selection/prefs.xml but when I choose "Favourites" in FreeGuide, none are listed. a List programmes only after NOW in personal guide. a New channel sets should have a default name a Closing Please Wait dialog should not close FreeGuide except during startup. a Options screen: remove unneeded options and make more user-friendly. Change "Viewers:Horizontal" etc node to "Horizontal Viewer" node just below layout, with other viewers appearing below. a Check whether we need TZ set, and if not, remove warnings about it. a Why does the data get loaded 3 times when we start? a On Andy's machine the FreeGuide window has no icon in the top left, and the Please Wait dialog is missing its image. a Make a plugin manager a Use serialization to reduce startup time Release 0.10pre1 (Add some features to plugins-branch work)+ Make the StripView focussed when you click on a programme + Fix Windows install bugs: + When you try to configure a grabber (uk_rt), from the First Time Wizard or the Options screen, FreeGuide freezes. When you kill FreeGuide, the grabber configuration screen appears. a Default country in First Time Wizard appears not to migrate correctly: choosing "UK (slower but more detail) results in "Canada" being selected in upgrade to 0.10.1. a Theme changes from Metal to GTK+ on upgrade. a Generate the list of grabber plugins dynamically by asking each plugin what countries it supports (XMLTV should make this list by looking at what properties files it has available). a "Download in background" should work to make the downloading dialog non-modal. a Rename classes so every class has a different name. a Get rid of System.err.println, either removing, or replacing with FreeGuide.log.info a The upgrade from 0.8.6 to 0.10.1 changed my theme from Metal to GTK. It should leave my theme unchanged. a Ensure that the HTML personalised guide only shows programmes that are before the day start time today and after the day start time tomorrow. a Internationalise "Horizontal Viewer" name a A currently-chosen browser, or a migrated one, should take priority over the default browser names in the properties file. How it works: If we migrate from previous version, we use selected browser, if we run firsts, then we use DEFAULT browser from properties. a Buttons on the XMLTV grabbers Option pane say "Default" and "", when they should say "Configure" and "Delete", I think. + Channel sets do not appear to work - not sure why, but try using tv_grab_uk_bleb and then making a channel set. a The default channel set name is "" and it should be "(New channel set)" a Options screen: a Rename "..." buttons to "Configure" a Change "XMLTV" checkbox to "Enable XMLTV plugin" a Rename "C" buttons to "Default" a Rename "Add" to "Add a new XMLTV grabber" a Make a wider gap between XMLTV grabbers so they look separate. a Make all panels accessible via keyboard accelerators a Allow to specify a default browser (needed by Debian maintainer) + Migrate XMLTV settings from 0.8.x a Deleting XMLTV grabbers does not work - they re-appear when you re-enter Options a Can we remove ViewerFramePositionConfig class? a "Show output" should change to "Hide output" when it's clicked a Merge changes from HEAD into plugins-branch a --quiet for all commands a src/freeguide/gui/viewer/ChannelJLabel.java 10 pixel minimum width a src/freeguide/gui/viewer/ViewerFrameXMLTVLoader.java use the first channel name, not all. a Support more than one copy of each xmltv grabber a Progress bar on Please Wait dialog does not move. Release 0.10pre0 (Stabilising plugins-branch work)+ Day start time appears to have no effect on the display of programmes (does it need a re-download?) + Please Wait dialog appears to have no title. a "Remove favourite" english translation appears to be missing a When I changed channel set to one that had been imported, it crashed - the "Please wait" window appeared, and then it froze. a After the above crash all my favourites disappeared a When I start downloading for the first time, the "Please wait" window is a strange shape (too tall - nearly square). Then when I choose "show details" it becomes very wide, and then when i choose "hide details" it goes back to the correct shape. a It successfully imported my channel set, but none of the channels were recognised, so it was blank. Have the channel ids changed? + "Go to now" button should be the default, so when you press RETURN it is activated + Setting for tooltips is not imported. I had this turned off, and after upgrade it is turned on + When I upgrade, the window position is correct, and the horizontal splitpane, but the vertical splitpane seems to be wrong a migration doesn't checked xmltv plugin a display message on upgrade wizard if xmltv config exists a Personalised guide needs to be refreshed when you select a programme a Reminders do not work a Add to favourites has disappeared from the right-click menu a Print personalised listing menu item does not work a Upgrade should copy the old xmltv config file into the new location a Upgrade should copy channel sets and all other preferences (e.g. window locations) a When I did an upgrade from 0.8.6 to 0.10, the first time it started it froze with the programmes window visible, but the please wait dialog in front, unpainted - just a grey box the size of the please wait dialog. a hide_output is not translated into English. a Main window does not refresh after downloading listings. a Please wait dialog sometimes appears when you have not changed anything a Favourites are not automatically selected a Favourites do not display hearts a FreeGuide forgets which programmes have been selected when you move off this day and back again a Sometimes you can't click on programmes - don't know why a Java grabbers need to display their errors in the "Show output" section, not the command line (we need to catch and handle any exceptions.) a java.lang.NullPointerException at freeguide.lib.general.PreferencesHelper.loadObject(Unknown Source) at freeguide.lib.general.PreferencesHelper.loadObject(Unknown Source) at freeguide.lib.general.PreferencesHelper.loadList(Unknown Source) at freeguide.lib.general.PreferencesHelper.loadObject(Unknown Source) at freeguide.gui.viewer.MainController.loadConfig(Unknown Source) at freeguide.gui.viewer.MainController.start(Unknown Source) at freeguide.FreeGuide.normalStartup(Unknown Source) at freeguide.FreeGuide.<init>(Unknown Source) at freeguide.FreeGuide.main(Unknown Source) a Downloading is not working - the download box closes immediately. It doesn't write "Executing system command" to the console. a Are the command lines for grabbers now hardcoded? If so, we need to change this into a properties files as before and allow the user to make changes. a Day start time in horizontal Options is not migrated? a Please Wait screen disappears immediately a Clicking "Show Output" during command execution (XMLTV) resizes the dialog horizontally as well as vertically a Re-sizing the Downloading dialog (XMLTV) causes the output section to become very small a Doesn't remember vertical or horizontal slider positions on main screen a 2 different File menus - one contains Options and Quit, and one Download Listings, Print this Personalised ... and a separator a Options should be under Tools menu a Menus out of order - should be File Tools Help a Choosing User Guide from the Help menu gives: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at freeguide.lib.general.Utils.execNoWait(Unknown Source) a Choosing "Show README" during First Time Wizard does nothing. a Executing command dialog has no entry on the task bar (Linux, Gnome) and disappears behind the main screen when you click the main screen's entry. (It should be a modal dialogue [actually set from prefs] with the main screen as its parent - is it?) a stderr in Show output should not be prefixed by "WARNING: " - it is normally just for information. a Running the First Time Wizard twice leaves you with 2 grabber plugins, whereas normally it should replace one with another. Having 2 is for advanced users. a The title of the tree node in Options for grabbers needs to have a friendly name. Currently called a Missing or invalid XML for the today's listings causes FreeGuide to freeze on startup with an exception a Each grabber plugin should have its own tree node under the plugins node on the Options screen. a Main screen does not refresh after a download of listings a Main screen is empty with everything in bottom right hand corner on startup a Listings only displayed when you move away from today and back onto today using the date combobox. a Command output window should display what commands were executed as well as what output there was. a Migrate old preferences to new a Channels are shorter than programmes a Icons are bigger than channel boxes a Some channel boxes aren't big enough for the full name a Lots of extra files in ~/.freeguide - looks like there may be a missing "/" somewhere - files are called e.g. "iconCachechannel4_com". a iconcache has been renamed to iconCache a Downloading dialog does not close when it is finished, even though the "Please Wait" window does appear, so presumably the view is refreshed. a Dialog should say "Downloading, please wait" instead of just "Please Wait". Release 0.9pre3+ Release 0.9pre2 (Stabilising MVC work) + Unsplit (Times should be entered as "hh:mm") strings in favourite editor + Get rid of all the comments left by NetBeans etc. + Incorporate an automatic code formatter into the build process + Rename "program" dir to "freeguide" + Sometimes deleting a favourite makes everything a favourite. It does this by blanking the title of a "contains" favourite. + Favourite names need an extra space - internationalise these names properly + Stop it from changing what's in the programme panel when you hover for a couple of seconds. + When you enter a day that hasn't been entered before, mark favourites as inguide + Fix the problem with flickering guide after clicking OK in the Favourites dialog + Fix the flickering personalised guide when you exit the favourites list + Put channel icons at the bottom of the programme details panel + Move channel and programme icons to the bottom of the details panel + Support firefox, and implement this in the stable branch too. + Merge MVC with HEAD + Fix favourites behaviour to get back what it did before + Rename m to model in StripView.java + Make 'f' keyboard shortcut work and refresh screen + Internationalise it c Translate into German Release 0.9pre1 (MVC)+ Make keyboard navigation more natural: + jump several channels up/down if the intermediate channel is blank + when left or right is pressed, remember the horizontal position of the middle of this programme. During all up/down presses, jump to the programme that best matches this horizontal position. When left or right is pressed, forget this value and find another one. + Fix problem with the selected programme appearing in the top left + Make the selected programme appear selected after a SPACE-press/dbl-click + Fix whatever is using 100% of CPU whenever FreeGuide is running + Make non-favourites appear in personalised guide: make Programmes themselves know whether or not they are inguide. + Rename things so "selected" means cursor is on you, "in guide" means chosen/ highlighted/shown in personalised guide, and "favourite" mean is a favourite. (Later, "reminder" will mean you will be reminded, and "recorded" will mean it will be recorded.) + Make hearts appear on favourites. *** Current work on 0.8.X stable releases is described in the TODO in Stable0_8-branch. *** Release 0.8.6+ Use new alpha-exe with fixed uk_rt problem + Update version to 0.8.6 + Change all relevant XMLTV commands to use --quiet Release 0.8.5+ Make Windows version know what version it is Release 0.8.4 (xmltv 0.5.39)+ Include xmltv 0.5.39 + Support only grabbers included in xmltv 0.5.39 + Make sure the share dir stuff is identical to xmltv 0.5.39 Release 0.8.3 (Java 1.4)+ Make it work with Java 1.4 + Remove INSTALL-windows.html from docs. + Fix that BackingStoreException. Release 0.8.2 (new xmltv + minor stuff)+ Replace all tabs with 4 spaces + add tv_sort after _es and _es_digital grabbers w Fix problem with programme URLs which contain % symbols w Show all actors for a programme instead of just the last one. + Tell people they might want to delete their freeguide-tv directory after installation + inform http://www.radioandtelly.co.uk/guides.html + Supply docs directory through the script on Linux + Supply docs directory through the shortcuts on Windows + Stop copying the docs into the user's home directory - find a better way + Fix Windows installer to install shared files for tv_grab_uk_bleb. + Make icons optional in Windows installer + Add an entry to the add/remove programs list on Windows + Remove the need to execute a Java program on Windows install + Use the latest version of XMTLV Release 0.8.1 (bug fix)+ Fix windows problem by deleting any install_directory preference stored in the user prefs section + Fix linux problem of null install_directory by changing it so it installs the docs to the working directory after you run the first time wizard. Now the linux version doesn't need to know where it's installed to work. Release 0.8 (native installers & first time wizard)+ Merge manpage, start script and desktop entry with debian ones + Remove all references to freeguide-tv and replace with freeguide, except: * Web address * CVS repository root and module * Java preferences node * Mailing list names + design icons + Update docs for new situation + Discuss installers on the developers' page r Re-arrange download options panel and add permanent re-download option y Display programme icons + create native windows installer (NSIS) + create native linux installer (RPM) + Convert the installer into a first time wizard + Arrange classes into packages Release 0.7.5 (minor features)+ Resize channel panel to fit icon + Clarify that you _have_ to enter your password during config in NA + Make a standard email form for beta test results + Fix bug with saying no listings available after midnight + Ability to turn off tooltips + Programme info panel + Handle other XMLTV tags + Advertise for beta testers y Icons in channel label y Added "starts in x mins"/"started x mins ago" to tooltip + Fix problem with tv_split line left from old configurations + Allow manual changing of browser command + Fix crash on tv-%Y%m%d.xmltv file in data dir + Disable Choose Channels button when the grabber command is blank y Move programmes names, making them visible when they've scrolled off the left + Fix DateFilesExistList to not choke on bad filenames. Release 0.7.4 (bug fixes)+ Beta testing + Update web site saying what countries are supported etc. + Copy in updated XMLTV DTD + Fix problems with accented characters in main programme window reported by Rob Stewart (delagated to XMLTV people) + Upgrade to XMLTV 0.5.34 + Upgrade XMLTV Tk patch to use Tk804 instead of Tk800 + Fix newly-introduced uk_bleb timezone problem + Fix bug with linebreaks in commandline entries + Update FAQ about listings from 2 sources + Deal with &#8212; type entities in programme names Release 0.7.3+ Fix timezone problems for na_dd + Fix bug with ", ends" in tooltip when "Show programme times" is "No" Release 0.7.2+ Fix the "Execution Error" on success problem in Windows. + Write tv_grab_uk_bleb + Include xmltv 0.5.32 + Fix missing uk_bleb in Linux installer Release 0.7.1+ FAQ + Make installer launch a README file (useful to check browser works, as well) + Make installer launch xmltv configure + Write a config setup for bleb + Do share files for those grabbers that need them + Get Robert to do a windows version of the grabbers. + Respond to the needs of tv_grab_na_dd including: + update docs saying you need a Zap2it account + update docs about overwriting listings + tell user they need to get an account before they continue + automatically make a password file + Write uk_bleb grabber + Accept dates with seconds but no timezone + Use XMLTV 0.5.31 grabbers (modified) + Add config file location to Options + Change "configure grabber" labels to "choose channels" everywhere Release 0.7 (xmltv-tk)m Further improve theme support to work with Java 1.5 + Compile working xmltv with tk gui + Alter docs to reflect which grabbers are available m JProgrammeLabel Border workaround for GTK+ theme bug m Cache favourites to prevent re-reading from prefs m Multiline tooltips if too long m Sort out themes in some way m Make "More Info" box be scrolled to the top. + Fix unable to move "View Command" box bug + Update docs, including saying you need to set TZ + Include a modified XMLTV for configuration. + Enable configuration options in ViewerFrame and InstallWizardPanel + Add scripts in xmltv dir to CVS and source zips. + Add stats handling code to CVS and source zips. m Scroll to programme in HTML guide on hover m Scroll to programme in viewer on click in HTML view + Fix the bug in updateBoolean in FGPreferences Release 0.6.3 (version checking, reminders, links)+ Update docs + Make channel sets update after you've edited them. + Finish privacy dialogue + Fix popups coming up behind window on startup bug (using a later time?) + Refresh after download (using dialog?) + Fix blank country in Install + Check that all prefs are covered in Options screen + Choose browser in options + Privacy choice on reminder screen + Document reminder system and incorporate into Options screen + Privacy preferences in installer + Choose browser on install + Global and specific install-xx.props file for each install type + Link to more info on right-click on programme + Check version on startup e Make the "now" line a thing of beauty (using anti-aliasing) e Anti-alias heart icon for Favourites Release 0.6.2 (new XMLTV version 0.5.23)+ Factor HTML guide stuff out of ViewerFrame + Fix the bug with spaces in filenames on Linux + Alert me when my programme starts (using secret options misc.reminders_on and misc.reminders_warning_secs) + Automate creation of tar.gz Source package with Debian naming + Use sensible naming for zip package too. Release 0.6.1 (gradual improvements to GUI begin)+ Implement sub-titles properly to avoid favourites-not-working regression + Latest XMLTV version + Remember what country you are from in installer, and where installed. + Add subtitles to programmes b Change Favourites, Customiser, Channel Sets frames to JDialogs + Remove .xvpics from Source package + Add a note about WinRAR to the section about running FG + Fix problem with channel names being wrong after initial download Release 0.6 (some features and grabber configuration)+ Test all grabbers on Windows and Linux + Change screenshots on web page and freshmeat + Uninstall should remove data directory + Progress feedback during download process + Refactor to rename losing FreeGuide prefix to most classes + Massive code cleanup + Code rationalisation, FIXMEs, remove commented sections + Graphical flash screen, with progress bar + "Create a new channel set..." option in the channel sets menu + Fix severe errors when a channel is missing from a channel set + Only parse one input file if day_start_time == grabber_start_time + Fix bug where "Reset Choices" on one day messes up choices for another day. + Make movies go back to movie colour after being de-favourited + Talk to XMLTV people about non-zero exit codes under Windows (all but na, sn) + Talk to XMLTV people about tv_grab_nl errors + Talk to XMLTV people about xmltv.exe tv_grab_na --listings "tv-%Y%m%d.xml" + Fix bug with CommandsWizardPanel not splitting into separate lines on Windows Release (Win NA bug fix)+ Incorparate XMLTV 0.5.14 with Windows release Release 0.5.5 (Win NA bug fix + remember channel set)+ Also add notes about authenticating proxies + Remember last channel set on exit. + Write java version check in Java 1.0-compatible code, obviously! + Fix problem with tv_grab_na install - revert to %date% Release 0.5.4 (Win UK bug fix)+ The button captions on the downloader should change when there's an error + Deal with change to XMLTV config file naming to *.conf + Fix shared directory bug with UK install + Fix bug with fi install not doing all prefs + Support for es and it grabbers + Experimental support for nl grabber + Fix % problem on Windows na + Comprehensive Windows testing Release 0.5.3 (XMLTV 0.5.8)+ Inc. XMLTV 0.5.8 Release 0.5.2 (interim release for new xmltv version 0.5.7)+ Test with new xmltv on Linux and Windows clean installs - check NZ and update README as required. + Fix no-refresh bug in channel sets + Include xmltv.exe 0.5.7 + Tidy channel sets screen + Add notes about how to upgrade XMLTV without upgrading FreeGuide + Default to grab 4 days in uk as provider only provides 4 days' worth + Remove the big binaries from CVS and add to the developers' doc about how to do a build from CVS checkout + a couple of other files. + Add new fi grabber + Remove tv_split and other cruft + Add the XMLTV source distribution to the source package (good GPL practice) + Add new channel packages for _uk ^ Channel Set -- create custom sets of channels ^ Choose between 24-hour and 12-hour time formats (14:30 vs. 2:30 PM) ^ Colorize Movies ^ Parse Movies for NA and UK from XML ^ Parse and display star-rating for movies ^ Parse "previously shown" (repeated program) from XML ^ Choose between displaying the start time in the programme grid (or not) Release 0.5.1 (Stable bug-fix release)+ Include new xmltv.exe 0.5.6 - test on windows first for "share" problem + Add to docs that some people (e.g. RedHat users) will need to change their XMLTV dir to /usr/bin/ instead of /usr/local/bin/ + Bug in German installer Release 0.5 (Features - especially use of many grabbers, and bug fixes)+ Appears nz isn't working - "experimental"? + Explain in docs that nz needs your config file in ~/.xmltv/tv_grab_nz + Use xmltv 0.5.5 including nz grabber, and sn channel selection. + Add to docs known bug that na grabber always doesn't overwrite old files. + Explain in documentation that if you grab quite late in a day you may only get tomorrow's listings. + Stop it from grabbing stuff that's already been done. + Fix bug that means favourites sometimes aren't chosen (YES!) * Dynamic population of the date list comboBox based on available data * Add configurable option for default grabber_today_offset (uk=1, NA=0) * Add configurable option to set grabber day start (na=00:00, uk=06:00) * Add configurable option grabber_start_today with "today", or current showing day * Add configurable Choice (checkbox) option (convert grabber_start_today? option) (do we need/want a CheckboxWizard?) * Fix bug with NullPointerException when you start and there's no listings + Fix concept of missing time. (Huh?) lol + Endless (if you only select "yes") loop - fixed, sorry :-) + Executor.exec() recursive call to FreeGuide.prefs.performSubstitutions() causes %% substitution to misbehave. + Seems to be a bug where only first grabber command executes. + Ability to control how many days are downloaded + Support for new grabbers + Which channels appear depends entirely on what listings have been downloaded + Allow changing of font sizes from customise screen + Make it work with the new XMLTV grabbers + 2 installers - Win and Linux that let you choose your location during install + Allow for the fact that a grabber may use dates without seconds, and other differences (e.g. tv_grab_de). + Get rid of config guessing and use defaults instead. + Make installer understand file>location syntax of props files including changing share to be included in file stuff. + Remove the need for tv_split by calling the grabber once for each day required + Stop hard-coding the directories into the preference values on install, use e.g. %misc.working_directory%, %misc.xmltv_directory% + Fix bug in StreamThreadReader (?) that means only the output of the first command is shown. + Grab one day at a time using a %date% %offset% substitution * Dynamic update of command output window * Fix bug that causes exception if running release candidate jvm (1.4.0-rc1) + Fix bug where you get asked twice whether you want to download new listings * Put list of "missing listings" channels in a scroll pane... + Fix possible NullPointerException in StartupChecker.checkFileFailure + Put the binary exes, dlls in cvs as binaries + Change READMEs etc to point to http://java.sun.com/getjava/ and point users to this with the installer too. + Make the command output screen on the downloader less confusing for newbies + Make scrollboxes bigger on Options screen * Fix GoToNow to deal with days dividing at non-midnight times. * Fix what happens when you go through to another day then click GoToNow x When FreeGuide starts, automatically "GoToNow" rather than staying at start of day x GoToNow shouldn't put the "now" arrow right at the edge of the screen x Display which channels are missing when some listings are missing. * Fix bug that means you don't see "now" when FreeGuide starts * Load today's and tomorrow's listings to allow GoToNow to work Release 0.4.3 (most wanted features)+ Why do numbers disappear from the time line (Linux only?) + Remember window sizes and positions between uses + Add "Contains" option to title match in favourites + Ability to turn off listing at bottom of screen. (added one-touch buttons) + Move XML stuff to a separate object from FreeGuideViewer + Tidy up FreeGuideOptionsWizard - make it not a wizard + New screenshots for web site, and freshmeat. + Rename files with version number on build + Add the fact that your .jar installer has to be executed by javaw on Windows, not WinRAR, etc. to the readmes + Fix scrollbar arrows only moving display a tiny bit + Use columnHeaderView of scrollpane for time panel (doh!) Release 0.4.2 (mainly bug fixes)+ Developer docs + Thorough testing + Use long descriptions in the printed guide + box round Please Wait screen + "Choose all" button + "Choose none" button in channels screen + When some channels aren't found, still display the others. + Add days of week to dropdown + Fix bug with adding an already-selected programme to favourites. + Right-click on a favourite gives option to remove from favs + Fix bug where options screen wipes out what you chose for grabber command on entry + Fix bug with "&" in programme name (is this tv_grab_na?) + Make draggable bars look draggable + Make Options screen ask you its first 3 questions, then present you with all other options simultaneously. Each option has a "Guess" button + Make options screen better + Convert installer to FreeGuideWizard + make installer check your java version, (and other things?) + Delete these classes: OptionsWizard, DirectoryDialog + Add a question to the beginning of the installer: install or uninstall (if the misc.install_directory pref exists) - if click uninstall, delete the whole installation directory, and the working directory if there is one, and the preferences group for FreeGuide. + Make the selected fav on the favourites list presistent Release 0.4+ Make downloading work on Windows, from within FreeGuide (requires XMLTV 0.5) + Make output and error stream boxes in Executor not have huge scroll range. + Automatic command execution window to replace download screen + [Wait for XMLTV 0.5] + Store the stylesheet CSS code instead of the location of a file (delete css_file option if it's there) + Don't confront the user with all the difficult options when they first start + Channels should get their own screen + New "Redecorate" screen for colours options + Installers on Windows and Linux! + Alter Options wizard so focuslost events are replaced with custom thing that works + Create directory if it doesn't exist + Do browse buttons + Separate channels and customisation screens + Setup wizard sets up every param explicitly and subsumes checks. + Fix tv_split so it gives a better error when no programmes are found. + Fix non-scrollability of Details box + Centre Download Listings box + Remove old chosen programmes + Add Windows README + Make download screen display command output during download, not just after + Fix download screen to enter and exit automatically (and generally make better) Release 0.3+ More flexible favourites + Fixed fast scrolling bug + Cleaner interface + Hide details on download screen + Better command execution + Fix favourites (loss of info when re-enter screen) + Options wizard when starting for first time + Implement divideTimes for days + Right-click on a prog to make a favourite + Delete old programme files and old config entries + Update README + About screen |
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