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Build Free Guide On Mac |
How to Build FreeGuide on Mac OS XBased on an email from David Liontooth. I've now successfully installed Freeguide on OSX, taking these steps (please improve): GCCSince we have to build several programs from source, we need a compiler. On OSX, the development environment is called xcode and can be downloaded from http://developer.apple.com/tools/download/ -- I had to sign up for a free account first. To install the dmg remotely (see detailed instructions at http://www.hmug.org/HowTos/RemoteInstall.html), issue hdiutil mount xcode_2.4.1_8m1910_6936315.dmg cd /Volumes/Xcode\ Tools sudo installer -verbose -pkg XcodeTools.mpkg -target / cd hdiutil unmount /Volumes/X* You now have a build environment with gcc (3.3 and 4.0 in my case). PerlWe need the latest stable version, currently 5.8.8 (cf. http://www.perl.com/download.csp): mkdir -p ~/src/perl cd ~/src/perl wget http://www.perl.com/CPAN/src/stable.tar.gz tar zxvf stable.tar.gz cd perl-5.8.8 ./configure This is a lengthy process -- select defaults where possible, and say yes to "Use the PerlIO abstraction layer." I also said yes to threading, but this may not be advisable. I accepted the default prefix, /usr/local. Once configured, make make test If it checks out -- I got a syslog error, likely because OSX uses /var/log/system.log, which I ignored -- you may want to switch to root user before you install: sudo bash make install Incidentally, one problem with installing stuff remotely on OSX is that the system keeps going to sleep on you; I use the wakeonlan program in Linux to keep it awake. Next, if you're using the bash shell, edit /etc/profile and add /usr/local/bin to the PATH before /usr/bin. Issue source /etc/profile or, if you're on the OSX machine, exit your user and log back in. Verify that your default perl is your freshly compiled one: which perl should give you "/usr/local/bin/perl" and not "/usr/bin/perl". XMLTV prereqsGet the latest xmltv-prereqs and xmltv from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=39046 Two of the prereqs were too old, so I also got these: wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/B/BY/BYRNE/SOAP-Lite-0.69.tar.gz wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/J/JO/JOSEPHW/XML-Writer-0.602.tar.gz In addition, you may need the expat library from http://expat.sourceforge.net Start with the xmltv-prereqs -- untar the package and enter each subdirectory: 00_Class-MethodMaker-2.02 00_HTML-Tagset-3.03 00_TermReadKey-2.21 00_Tk-804.027 00_URI-1.30 00_XML-LibXML-Common-0.13 00_XML-NamespaceSupport-1.08 00_XML-Parser-2.34 01_HTML-Parser-3.36 01_XML-SAX-0.12 01_libwww-perl-5.79 Compress-Zlib-1.33 DateManip-5.42a HTML-TableExtract-1.08 HTML-Tree-3.18 Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-0.01 Lingua-Preferred-0.2.4 PerlIO-gzip-0.15 Term-ProgressBar-2.06 Text-Kakasi-2.04 Tk-TableMatrix-1.1 Unicode-String-2.07 WWW-Mechanize-1.02 XML-LibXML-1.58.patched XML-Twig-3.15 In each of these directories (see the README for those you can skip), issue perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr/local make make test make install In the case of 00_Tk-804.027 and Tk-TableMatrix-1.1, you need the X11 SDK -- and the tests will only pass if you run them within X11. Unless you plan to run Freeguide within X11, these serve no purpose and you can live without them. Do the same in the case of the separately downloaded packages: SOAP-Lite-0.69 XML-Writer-0.602 xmltv-0.5.45 You should now have a working XMLTV installation. Freeguide configured according to Andy BalaamGet the latest dmg of Freeguide from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=35309 install it. Before starting Freeguide, configure it as your regular user as follows (the example is for North America): mkdir -p ~/.freeguide/xmltv-configs And then (as one line): tv_grab_na_dd --config-file ~/.freeguide/xmltv-configs/na_dd.conf --configure This will ask you to log in to zap-it and chose your lineup. Now start FreeGuide and go to Tools, Options, Advanced, Grabbers, XMLTV, and modify the command lines shown for the na_dd grabber. The bottom one relates to the step you've just done manually, so you may as well make that one blank, but the top one should read: /INSTALLATION_DIR/tv_grab_na_dd --quiet --config-file YOUR_HOME_DIR/.freeguide/xmltv-configs/na_dd.conf for instance "/usr/local/bin/tv_grab_na_dd --quiet --config-file /Users/tna/.freeguide/xmltv-configs/na_dd.conf". Click OK -- this is the end of the configuration. Click on the "Download Listings" and watch the listings file into position. The program runs great, but the installation is lengthy and it would be a great benefit to have packaged binaries. |
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