Recording in FreeGuide

March 14, 2007 [FreeGuide, Java, Tech]

If you download the nightly builds of FreeGuide, you can try out the new recording functionality.

There is quite a bit to do before this is ready for release. There are several bugs in the TODO list and you have to create your own scripts at the moment to launch mplayer or whichever recording software you want to use.

When the release happens, we will incude scripts that are useful for common TV cards (actually, it's beginning to look like mplayer will handle all this for us, so all we need is one script) and make it easy to set up, with a default setup that should work for most people out of the box. Or that's the idea.

The good news is that Alex appears to be back and working on fixing the bugs, so the ever-receding horizon of the next release is somewhat less receding.

I've not quite managed to get it to actually record something yet, (mainly due to mplayer being extremely awkward) but it shoud work...