Running Dojo DOH tests in a browser without a web server

October 30, 2012 [Dojo, JavaScript, Tech, Test Driven]

Dojo's DOH requires a web server to run tests in a browser. But never fear:

$ cd ~/code/dojo
$ ls
docs  dojo  util
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer &
$ xdg-open http://localhost:8000/util/doh/runner.html

Note that you will see some test failures, because the python web server doesn't do PHP.

When finished:

$ kill %1

to stop your web server.

On Python 3, use this instead of the SimpleHTTPServer line:

python3 -m http.server &

Yes, Python includes a little web server that serves files in your current directory. Batteries included. Thanks to Lyle Backenroth and commandlinefu for making me aware of this.