Checking the case of a filename on Windows

May 23, 2013 [Java, Programming, Tech]

Windows generally uses a case-insensitive but not case-preserving file system.

When writing some code that is intended to be used on Linux as well as Windows, I wanted it to fail on Windows in the same cases that it would fail on Linux, and this meant detecting when the case of a filename differed from its canonical case on the file system.

I want to ask "is this file name correct in terms of case?"

I was working in Java, but I think this issue would be similar in other languages: it's difficult to ask for the canonical case version of a file name when we currently have a filename with abitrary case.

The only solution I came up with was to list the contents of the parent directory and check whether my arbitrary filename is listed with the correct case in the results:


import java.util.Arrays;

class CaseCheck
    private static File parentFile( File f )
        File ret = f.getParentFile();
        if ( ret == null )
            ret = new File( "." );
        return ret;

    private static boolean existsAndCaseCorrect( String fileName )
        File f = new File( fileName );
        return Arrays.asList( parentFile( f ).list() ).contains( f.getName() );

    public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
        System.out.println( existsAndCaseCorrect( args[0] ) );

Checking it on its own source file:

javac && java CaseCheck

javac && java CaseCheck true

It seems to work.

Note that this also returns false if the file doesn't exist, and will throw an error if the file name specifies a parent directory that doesn't exist.