Example Android project with repeatable tests running inside an emulator

May 06, 2020 [Android, Java, Programming, Tech]

I've spent the last couple of days fighting the Android command line to set up a simple project that can run automated tests inside an emulator reliably and repeatably.

To make the tests reliable and independent from anything else on my machine, I wanted to store the Android SDK and AVD files in a local directory.

To do this I had to define a lot of inter-related environment variables, and wrap the tools in scripts that ensure they run with the right flags and settings.

The end result of this work is here: gitlab.com/andybalaam/android-skeleton

You need all the utility scripts included in that repo for it to work, but some highlights include:

The environment variables that I source in every script, scripts/paths:

PROJECT_ROOT=$(dirname $(dirname $(realpath ${BASH_SOURCE[${#BASH_SOURCE[@]} - 1]})))
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="${PROJECT_ROOT}/android_sdk"

Creation of a local.properties file that tells Gradle and Android Studio where the SDK is, by running something like this:

echo "# File created automatically - changes will be overwritten!" > local.properties
echo "sdk.dir=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}" >> local.properties

The wrapper scripts for Android tools e.g. scripts/sdkmanager:


set -e set -u

source scripts/paths


The wrapper for avdmanager is particularly interesting since it seems we need to override where it thinks the tools directory is for it to work properly - scripts/avdmanager:


set -e set -u

source scripts/paths

Set toolsdir to include "bin/" since avdmanager seems to go 2 dirs up

from that to find the SDK root?

"${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools/bin/avdmanager" "$@"

An installation script that must be run once before using the project scripts/install-android-tools:


set -e set -u set -x

source scripts/paths

mkdir -p "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}" mkdir -p "${ANDROID_AVD_HOME}" mkdir -p "${ANDROID_EMULATOR_HOME}"

Download sdkmanager, avdmanager etc.

cd "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}" test -f commandlinetools-.zip ||
wget -q 'https://dl.google.com/android/repository/commandlinetools-linux-6200805_latest.zip' unzip -q -u commandlinetools-
.zip cd ..

Ask sdkmanager to update itself

./scripts/sdkmanager --update

Install the emulator and tools

yes | ./scripts/sdkmanager --install 'emulator' 'platform-tools'


./scripts/sdkmanager --install 'platforms;android-21' ./scripts/sdkmanager --install 'platforms;android-29'

Install system images for our oldest and newest supported API versions

yes | ./scripts/sdkmanager --install 'system-images;android-21;default;x86_64' yes | ./scripts/sdkmanager --install 'system-images;android-29;default;x86_64'

Create AVDs to run the system images

echo no | ./scripts/avdmanager -v
create avd
-n "avd-21"
-k "system-images;android-21;default;x86_64"
-p ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/avds/avd-21 echo no | ./scripts/avdmanager -v
create avd
-n "avd-29"
-k "system-images;android-29;default;x86_64"
-p ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/avds/avd-29

Please do contribute to the project if you know easier ways to do this stuff.