Why a Free Software web games site?
November 03, 2020 [Games, Programming]Recently I've been having a lot of fun working on Smolpxl, which is a web site featuring some little retro web games that are all Free and Open Source Software.
Here's a sneak preview of the game I am working on:

Why do this?
Apart from the fact that it's fun, I also think there is a need for a site like this: a safe place for kids to play little games without creepy advertising looking over their shoulder, and perverse incentives for the site creators.
Little web games can be a diversion during train journeys, helpful distractions for parents and teachers to provide for kids, and even be a little educational around mouse and keyboard use. I've seen the sites that already exist be helpful in all those contexts, but I've always felt uncomfortable that these sites are supported by advertising, which always comes with concerns about privacy, and also leads game creators to focus on "engagement", creating mechanisms like site-wide currencies and gambling-style rewards that drive addictive behaviours.
Wouldn't it be nice if we in the Free and Open Source community could write some fun games that are free from those unhealthy influences?
Wouldn't it be even nicer if we took the opportunity to encourage kids to learn how to make games as well as play them?
Well, that's the idea. Have a look at smolpxl.artificialworlds.net, play a few games, and think about writing a few more...
Also, if you know of existing Free and Open Source web games that might work well on the site, let me know and I'll have a chat with their creators: I definitely plan to include games by more people than just me.