Suspending the computer using Kupfer

May 05, 2021 [MATE, Programming, Python, Tech]

I have recently started using Kupfer again as my application launcher in Ubuntu MATE, and I found it lacked the ability to suspend the computer.

Here is the plugin I wrote to support this.

To install it, quit Kupfer, create a directory in your home dir called .local/share/kupfer/plugins, and create this file inside:

__kupfer_name__ = _("Power management")
__kupfer_sources__ = ("PowerManagementItemsSource", )
__description__ = _("Actions to suspend the computer")
__version__ = "2021-05-05"
__author__ = "Andy Balaam "

from kupfer.plugin import session_support as support

class Suspend (support.CommandLeaf):
    def __init__(self, commands):
        support.CommandLeaf.__init__(self, commands, "Suspend")
    def get_description(self):
        return _("Suspend the computer")
    def get_icon_name(self):
        return "system-suspend"

class PowerManagementItemsSource (support.CommonSource):
	def __init__(self):
		support.CommonSource.__init__(self, _("Power management"))
	def get_items(self):
		return (Suspend((["systemctl", "suspend"],)),)

# Copyright 2021 Andy Balaam, released under the MIT license.

Now restart Kupfer, go to Preferences, Plugins, and tick "Power management".

You should now see a "Suspend" item if you search for it in the Kupfer interface.

Inspired by: Mate Session Management - Kupfer Plugin.

Reference docs: Kupfer Plugin API