Rust 101 – 5: References

Starting some more advanced Rust programming ideas by looking at references – the ability to “borrow” values and refer to them without taking ownership. We look at mutable and immutable references, and the rules about references that prevent us ever having an “invalid” reference that points at something that has been dropped or changed.

Series: Language basics, More syntax, Traits and generics, Building applications, Concurrency and parallelism, Trait objects, Async, Unsafe

This section (More syntax): 5: References, 6: Structs and Enums, 7: Panic and Result, 8: Methods, 9: Vec and Box, 10: Strings, 11: Exercises A2


The course materials for this series are developed by tweede golf. You can find more information at and you can sponsor the work at They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

This series of videos is copyright 2023 Andy Balaam and the tweede golf contributors and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Rust 101 – 4: Exercises for module A1

Going through some exercises on basic Rust syntax and ownership.

Series: Language basics, More syntax, Traits and generics, Building applications, Concurrency and parallelism, Trait objects, Async, Unsafe

This section (Language basics): 1: Intro, 2: Language basics, 3: Memory and ownership, 4: Exercises A1


Rust 101 is a series of videos explaining how to write programs in Rust. The course materials for this series are developed by tweede golf. You can find more information at and you can sponsor the work at They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

This series of videos is copyright 2023 Andy Balaam and the tweede golf contributors and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Rust 101 – 3: Memory and ownership

Continuing on Rust programming basics by looking at ownership and memory management, including the stack and the heap: what they are, how they differ, and why you need to care.

For more help on ownership and the stack and the heap, try Chapter 4 of the Rust book.

Series: Language basics, More syntax, Traits and generics, Building applications, Concurrency and parallelism, Trait objects, Async, Unsafe

This section (Language basics): 1: Intro, 2: Language basics, 3: Memory and ownership, 4: Exercises A1


The course materials for this series are developed by tweede golf. You can find more information at and you can sponsor the work at They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

This series of videos is copyright 2023 Andy Balaam and the tweede golf contributors and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Rust 101 – 2: Language basics

An introduction to the Rust language basics.

Series: Language basics, More syntax, Traits and generics, Building applications, Concurrency and parallelism, Trait objects, Async, Unsafe

This section (Language basics): 1: Intro, 2: Language basics, 3: Memory and ownership, 4: Exercises A1

  • What Rust is and why you might want to learn it
  • Examining a simple program
  • Learning about the types of variable you can have (numbers, strings, tuples, arrays)
  • Introducing control flow with if, for, while and loop
  • Talking about functions and expressions
  • Preparing ourselves for the next video, which is about memory management

If you’d like to learn more about Unicode and character sets, try my video Interesting Characters where I share how surprisingly interesting this whole area is.


The course materials for this series are developed by tweede golf. You can find more information at and you can sponsor the work at They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

This series of videos is copyright 2023 Andy Balaam and the tweede golf contributors and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Rust 101 – 1: Course intro

Introducing the Rust 101 series and how to install Rust.

Series: Language basics, More syntax, Traits and generics, Building applications, Concurrency and parallelism, Trait objects, Async, Unsafe

This section (Language basics): 1: Intro, 2: Language basics, 3: Memory and ownership, 4: Exercises A1

Rust 101 is a series of videos explaining how to write programs in Rust.

Follow the “Exercises” link to find the other tools you might want to install to follow along.

The course materials for this series are developed by tweede golf. You can find more information at and you can sponsor the work at They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license.

This series of videos is copyright 2023 Andy Balaam and the tweede golf contributors and is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International license].