I really should provide an RSS feed. Does anyone know of a good reference on the simplest form of RSS that I can use to auto-generate some RSS from th… ...more

June 08, 2005 [Meta, Tech]
A real job

Getting used to working is an interesting thing. I haven't been as tired as I thought I might be, probably partly because I got into a routine of gett… ...more

June 07, 2005 [Misc]

Can't decide what to think about Google. I was very suspicious about gmail, and this whole portal business is very boring, and _so_ corporate, but you… ...more

June 03, 2005 [Tech]
Beginning blog

I've decided to start writing a blog, not least to convince people that although my work on open source projects (especially FreeGuide) has slowed dow… ...more

June 02, 2005 [Meta, Tech]