I've just got off a call with a colleague. During that call I: learned a lot about how the work he is doing fits in with what my team is working on u… ...more
10 months ago I wrote a blog post Air-Source Heat Pump – our experience so far, 2 months in about our new air source heat pump. Have a look back at th… ...more
Update: my twitter archive is here: artificialworlds.net/tweets. Update: you can see the hacky scripts I used to build this, based on twitter-archive-… ...more
Geeks don't like to be formal, but we do like to be precise. That is the contrast that comes to mind as I attend my first IETF meeting, IETF 115 in Lo… ...more
The Selection API is confusing and weird. But, here's what I've discovered: just use setBaseAndExtend, and when (rarely) needed, extend. Summary Every… ...more