I'm working on a little JavaScript library called Smolpxl. It aims to make it really easy to create retro-style pixellated games that run well in the … ...more
Sometimes I run grep commands that search files with hugely-long lines. If those lines match, they are printed out and spam my terminal with huge amou… ...more
To set the date when a photo was taken, install ExifTool e.g.: sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl # If on Ubuntu sudo dnf install perl-Image-Ex… ...more
SMPP is a binary protocol used by phone companies to send text messages, otherwise known as SMS messages. It can work over TCP, so we can use netcat o… ...more
Here is the text of a letter I wrote to my MP today via writetothem.com: Dear [], I am writing to you to express my growing horror at the ongoing pol… ...more