I love simple games: playing them and writing them. But, it can be overwhelming getting started in the complex ecosystems of modern technology. So, I … ...more
I was looking for the right way to make a "Share This"-style button for my tiny games site Smolpxl, and I found shareon which worked exactly the way I… ...more
I'm working on a little JavaScript library called Smolpxl. It aims to make it really easy to create retro-style pixellated games that run well in the … ...more
Sometimes I run grep commands that search files with hugely-long lines. If those lines match, they are printed out and spam my terminal with huge amou… ...more
To set the date when a photo was taken, install ExifTool e.g.: sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl # If on Ubuntu sudo dnf install perl-Image-Ex… ...more