If you'd like to help promote Rabbit Escape, my free software Android/PC game, how about a t-shirt? Use the link below to design your shirt: Rabbit E… ...more
When we want to do something later in our Java code, we often turn to the ScheduledExecutorService. This class has a method called schedule(), and we … ...more
The newest feature of Rabbit Escape, water, has been brewing a long time, but we now think it's ready: Water can flow, it can put out fires, and it c… ...more
Here's a little script I wrote to avoid copy-pasting the ffmpeg command from superuser every time I needed it. It converts a video to a GIF file by pr… ...more
In an insane world, Gradle sometimes seems like the sanest choice for building a Java or Kotlin project. But what on Earth does all the stuff inside b… ...more