Here's what I needed to get a dev environment for F-Droid up and running on Ubuntu 16.10, using F-Droid server version 0.7.0 (commit id 8147f9235), so… ...more
I have been introducing some year 6 (UK) teachers to coding by showing them how to lay out a simple web page by writing HTML. I promised I would find … ...more
Today I have spent hours trying to get wrangle Maven into letting me set up a sane Java project. The hardest parts were enforcing warnings-as-errors, … ...more
Series: Snake in Elm, Elm makes me happy, Elm Basics, Elm Unit Test, Elm JSON I've been having fun with Elm programming recently. Elm is a replacement… ...more
Series: Lexer, Parser, Evaluator. Finally, we get onto the actual magic of the little language I wrote (Cell) - the evaluator, which takes in syntax t… ...more