Quick reference of things I discovered about how to use associative arrays in bash. Note: bash version 4 only. (See also Bash Arrays.) Basics $ declar… ...more
To run your own DOH-based unit tests on the command line using Rhino: NOTE: this is Dojo 1.7 and above. For 1.6, there was a whole other cryptic incan… ...more
I did a talk at work about lambda functions (anonymous functions), and something possessed me to make a timeline of when they were introduced into var… ...more
Posts in this series: Syntax, Deployment, Metaprogramming, Ownership I'm going to use a word here - don't stop reading: Metaprogramming. Does the lang… ...more
You can watch the Tail Call Optimisation in C++ lightning talk video, which I gave at the ACCU 2012 conference in April. You can also read the (cleare… ...more