You read it here first, but now you can have a paper version of "Tail Call Optimisation in C++", published almost as-is, in Overload 109 the journal o… ...more
Series: Feel the cool, Basics, Closures, Recursion, Quotation, Lambda, Macros. Continuing the series on Scheme, this video explains on of the most pow… ...more
Series: Feel the cool, Basics, Closures, Recursion, Quotation, Lambda, Macros. Continuing the series on Scheme, this video describes the way you write… ...more
Series: Feel the cool, Basics, Closures, Recursion, Quotation, Lambda, Macros. Continuing the series on Scheme, this video describes an important feat… ...more
Series: Feel the cool, Basics, Closures, Recursion, Quotation, Lambda, Macros. Continuing the series on Scheme, this video describes some of the thing… ...more