Update: watch the video In this series on Scheme: Intro, Basics, Closures. Here's a presentation I did recently, on the basics of the Scheme programmi… ...more
sudo aptitude install python-dateutil python -c "import dateutil.tz; import datetime; print datetime.datetime.now( dateutil.tz.tzlocal() ).tzname()" ...more
Usually when the channel lineup changes, I just have to do this:$ scan /usr/share/dvb/dvb-t/uk-CrystalPalace > ~/.mplayer/channels.conf But this ti… ...more
Update: watch the video In this series on Scheme: Intro, Basics, Closures. Here's a presentation I did recently, introducing the Scheme programming la… ...more
I recently did a presentation at work on "surprising" things you may encounter in JavaScript. I present it here for your delectation: JavaScript WTFs … ...more