
I have requested a Sourceforge project for DIYBlog, and it just struck me again how utterly fantastic Sourceforge is. What would the Free and Open Source Software world be like now without Sourceforge? A lot poorer, I reckon.

I’m desperately trying to find time to test FreeGuide for a 0.10.2 release. So far it looks like although my favourites have been imported, they are not working. In fact, when I create a new favourite it works for that run but when I restart the program they are not highlighted. Hmm.

London terrorist attacks

As a largely unmilitarised country, Britain (like many other Western countries) is a soft target for terrorists. But that very softness makes attacking us in this way pointless: it’s like punching a sponge. We won’t change – we like our country how it is.

It’s possible that by drawing attention to themselves, the people who did this may have changed some aspect of the world, but as for advancing their cause – how can they when the only discernable motive they have is hatred? Does murder really win them support at home? I doubt it.

We in Britain have done and continue to do some terrible things. I wish we would stop, but today isn’t going to make any difference either way.

If you or anyone you know was hurt today, I’m sorry.

The dangers of learning to code

I was speaking to someone over the weekend who works in HR and has been enjoying making various Microsoft Access databases to do useful things for work. I warned her she might get the programming bug and then never be able to stop. Then I realised she already had it when she summed it up beautifully:

“You can make it do things.”

I love coding.