Discussion (with spoilers) of The Iron Claw. Andy B thinks it’s a sequel to The Iron Giant, and is less than enthusiastic when Andy C explains it’s ANOTHER wrestling film, this time Professional Wrestling. Andy C attempts to explain its appeal as an intense and ultimately uplifting story about someone who manages to escape an oppressive and abusive relationship, but there is devastating damage along the way. Content warning: the plot involve multiple suicides.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Music: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: J Lang, Morusque
s11e12 The Iron Claw – The Good Robot Andys

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