s01e07 “Sorcerer” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion of the William Friedkin (of The Exorcist fame) film Sorcerer. Andy Balaam guesses from the title that is a Happy Potter rip-off, and Andy Cockerill explains that this a film with gritty realism, and significant flaws. The Good Robot

s01e06a “Spectre (bonus)” – The Good Robot Andys

The good robot Andys dispatch Spectre in 3 minutes of after-show chat. The Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e06 “Society” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion of the plot and meaning (full of spoilers!) of the obscure but extremely memorable film Society. Andy Balaam saw Society many years ago, and has never forgotten it. Andy Cockerill explains how extreme and weird it is, and why

s01e05 “Under the Skin” – The Good Robot Andys

An in-depth description and review (full of spoilers!) of Under the Skin. Andy Balaam speculates that Under the Skin is a more arty sequel to Face Off, and Andy Cockerill explains that it is an unsettling, intriguing and fascinating film.

s01e04 “Interstellar” – The Good Robot Andys

This time we talk about Interstellar (including many spoilers!). Andy Cockerill explains to Andy Balaam that Interstellar is an action film with a big heart. Andy Balaam incorrectly compares it with Quantum Leap. The Good Robot Andys podcasts and web

s01e03 “Nightcrawler” – The Good Robot Andys

This time we talk about Nightcrawler (including many spoilers!). Despite never having seen the film and not knowing anything about it, Andy Balaam (Clueless Andy) manages to score a hit by saying he reckons (from the title) that it’s a

s01e02 “Foxcatcher” – The Good Robot Andys

In our second episode, we talk about Foxcatcher (including many spoilers!). Andy Balaam (Clueless Andy) guesses from the title that this is a Disney film with Bill Murray, and Andy Cockerill (Expert Andy) explains quite how wrong he was. Andy’s

s01e01 “Gone Girl” – The Good Robot Andys

In our debut episode, we talk about Gone Girl (including many spoilers!). Andy Balaam (Clueless Andy) attempts to guess the plot from the title, and Andy Cockerill (Expert Andy) proceeds to put him straight, with an in-depth explanation of the