s02e07 “Green Room” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) about the film Green Room.

Andy Balaam fake-guesses that Green Room is a quirky hospital comedy set during the Iraq War, and secretly really guesses that it is an actorly drama set in the green room of the Shakespeare theatre, but is pleased to be educated that Andy Cockerill that it is actually a very pure, exciting survival horror about a punk band trying to escape from some evil skinheads.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s02e06 “What is the Internet made of?” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) about what The Internets is made of.

In a shocking reversal, Andy Balaam plays the expert as he tries to explain what the Internet is made of to Andy Cockerill, who pretends not to know.

Without doing any research at all, the pair waffle on about IP, DNS, SMTP, HTTPS and other increasingly-long acronyms without ever losing the plot at all. Andy Balaam explains over and over that the Internet is just some computers connected together by wires, and Andy Cockerill attempts with an increasing sense of futility to get him to explain what he actually means by that.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s02e05 “Midnight Special” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) of the film Midnight Special.

Without watching or finding anything out about the film, Andy Balaam decided it was a horror film about a train, with someone from 80’s TV in it. Andy Cockerill patiently puts him right – it’s a classic Sci-Fi story about a father and son that reminds him of Steven Spielberg’s best films.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s02e04a “Hateful Eight (bonus)” – The Good Robot Andys

The good robot Andys dispatch Hateful Eight in 4 minutes of after-show chat.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s02e04 “Bone Tomahawk” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) of the film Bone Tomahawk.

Without watching or finding anything out about the film, Andy Balaam speculates (again) that it’s a Disney film, this one with a hilarious “native” character wearing bones. Andy Cockerill patiently explains that it’s an American Western Horror film that is very scary, looks great, and has a memorable scene, but has some weak comedy at the beginning.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s02e03 “Grandma” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) of the film Grandma.

Without watching or finding anything out about the film, Andy Balaam decided that it was a hypre-real remake of a rollicking Disney kids’ adventure. Andy Cockerill patiently puts him right, explaining that it is only slightly rollicking, and is mostly a blackly funny story following a sharp-tongued woman who finds some resolution (as well as some continuing unresolution) with characters from her past.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s02e02 “The Lobster” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) of the film The Lobster.

Andy Balaam guesses from the title that The Lobster is a Disney animation following the fortunes of the fauna awaiting execution in a restaurant kitchen. Andy Cockerill explains that it is a cutting, funny satire on the stupid, cruel way our society treats singleness and paired-up-ness, that is lighter than that sounds.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s02e01 “The Witch” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) of the film The Witch.

Andy Balaam uses the title to guess that this is a spin-off of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves set in a US high school, but Andy Cockerill soon makes it clear why he was keen to discuss a film that is horror, but not in a jump-scare way. It takes time to build an atmosphere, and is creepy and ambiguous.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e12 “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) of the film Me and Earl and the Dying Girl.

Andy Balaam speculates from the title that it is a bit like American Pie, but Andy Cockerill patiently explains that it is a genuinely funny film about someone learning the joy of allowing others to get close, despite the inevitable pain that is part of that experience. It’s a film that is genuinely truthful, which satisfies the other Andy that it is something that deserves to exist. The discussion digresses into areas such as Star Wars, Interstellar and death.

The podcast that Andy Balaam mentioned on the show is Episode 8 of The Liturgists podcast in which Science Mike and Josh discuss all the scientific flaws in Interstellar, while simultaneously claiming it is scientifically reasonable.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e11a “Star Wars: The Force Awakens (bonus)” – The Good Robot Andys

The good robot Andys have a quick after-show chat about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Did it disappoint?.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e11 “Song of the Sea” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) of the film Song of the Sea.

Andy Balaam suggests it is a serious take on a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, but Andy Cockerill explains it’s beautifully-crafted hand-animated story of the loss of magic and family separation, but less depressing than that sounds.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e10 “Far from the Madding Crowds” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) of the films Far from the Madding Crowd and Far from the Madding Crowd.

Andy Balaam is somehow talking about Dickens, but Andy Cockerill explains the similarities and differences between the 1967 and 2015 adaptations of the classic Hardy book.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e09 “Slow West” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion (and lots of spoilers) of the film Slow West.

Andy Balaam can only think about the song “Go West”, and, of course Westworld but Andy Cockerill educates him that this is a western-style adventure shot in a surreal and other-worldly style.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e08 “John Wick” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion of the film John Wick, starring Keanu Reeves.

Andy Balaam has seen the trailer and thinks it looks like Keanu turned up to 11. Andy Cockerill explains that this film does what it does really well, and blows action movies on similar themes out of the water.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e07 “Sorcerer” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion of the William Friedkin (of The Exorcist fame) film Sorcerer.

Andy Balaam guesses from the title that is a Happy Potter rip-off, and Andy Cockerill explains that this a film with gritty realism, and significant flaws.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e06a “Spectre (bonus)” – The Good Robot Andys

The good robot Andys dispatch Spectre in 3 minutes of after-show chat.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e06 “Society” – The Good Robot Andys

Discussion of the plot and meaning (full of spoilers!) of the obscure but extremely memorable film Society.

Andy Balaam saw Society many years ago, and has never forgotten it. Andy Cockerill explains how extreme and weird it is, and why it feels so relevant to now.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e05 “Under the Skin” – The Good Robot Andys

An in-depth description and review (full of spoilers!) of Under the Skin.

Andy Balaam speculates that Under the Skin is a more arty sequel to Face Off, and Andy Cockerill explains that it is an unsettling, intriguing and fascinating film.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e04 “Interstellar” – The Good Robot Andys

This time we talk about Interstellar (including many spoilers!).

Andy Cockerill explains to Andy Balaam that Interstellar is an action film with a big heart. Andy Balaam incorrectly compares it with Quantum Leap.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

s01e03 “Nightcrawler” – The Good Robot Andys

This time we talk about Nightcrawler (including many spoilers!).

Despite never having seen the film and not knowing anything about it, Andy Balaam (Clueless Andy) manages to score a hit by saying he reckons (from the title) that it’s a bit like Repo Man and Andy Cockerill (Expert Andy) tells him he may very well be right.

Creative Commons LicenceThe Good Robot Andys podcasts and web site by Andy Balaam and Andy Cockerill are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.