Vim for Fun
Vim For Fun
Andy Balaam, 2013-08-23
Before we start
To quit vim (or vi):
1. Don't panic
2. Press Esc a few times
3. Type :q!
The exclamation mark is not for emphasis.
This loses your work. To save and exit
type :wq instead.
Vim is:
- Fast
- Keyboard-driven
- Powerful
- Programmable
- Fun
Vim is Fast
- Because it is old
- I mean really old
(btw that makes it pretty stable too)
Vim is Fast
- Snappy response
- Large files
- Large numbers of files
- Long lines
(btw that makes it pretty stable too)
Vim is keyboard-driven
- Everything is done with the keyboard
- Using a combination of:
- keyboard shortcuts
- multiple modes
- typed commands
(btw this makes automation easy.)
Vim modes
- Normal (for getting around)
(press Esc to get back here)
- Insert (for typing text)
- Visual (for selecting text)
- Several others
Normal mode
Moving around:
up, down, left and right (or hjkl)
w - next word
e - end of next word
{ - previous empty line
} - next empty line
gg - top
G - bottom
^ - start of line
0 - really start of line
$ - end of line
% - matching bracket
. - repeat last command
Normal mode
/ - search for pattern
? - search backwards
n - next match
N - previous match
Normal mode
i,I,a,A - go into insert mode
dd - delete line
>> - indent line
<< - dedent line
~ - switch case
d - delete something
c - delete and go into insert mode
r - replace with
- do it number times
e.g. 20w means go forward 20 words
Normal mode
u - undo
Ctrl-r - redo
. - do the last thing you did again
Normal mode
Copying ("yanking"):
yy - copy this line
y - copy something e.g:
yw - copy this word
y$ - copy to end of line
p - paste
P - paste before here
Insert mode
To start typing:
i - insert text here
a - insert text after this char
I - at start of line
A - at end of line
Some keyboard shortcuts are available while
typing. My favourite is:
Ctrl-p - completion
Visual mode
To enter visual mode:
v - start selecting text
V - start selection whole lines
Ctrl-v - start rectangular selection
To select stuff:
All the same movement keys as in normal mode
To do stuff to the selection:
Many of the same changing things key as in
normal mode, plus commands...
Command line mode
To run a command (from normal mode):
: args
:s/foo/bar/g - search and replace
:w - save
:e - load
:ls - list open files
:bn - next file
:bp - previous file
: - jump to line
:q - quit
Vim is powerful
There are too many features to list.
- Split windows and "tabs"
- Interactive search and replace
- Registers
- Markers
- Customisable highlighting
- All the basic features e.g. line numbers
- Folding
- Syntax highlighting
- Many, many commands
Vim is programmable
- 4000 plugins on
- Everything you do can be recorded and
played back.
- Example plugins:
- On-the-fly compiling and syntax check
- Buffer listing and navigation
- Eclipse navigation and refactorings
- Code completion
- So many things I don't understand...
Vim is Fun
0.173 0.499 0.764 0.938 1.000 0.927 0.527
0.985 0.867 0.645 0.346 0.005 -0.376 -0.850
[0.173, 0.985]
[0.499, 0.867]
[0.764, 0.645]
[0.938, 0.346]
[1.000, 0.005]
[0.927, -0.376]
[0.527, -0.850]
More Info
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Twitter - @andybalaam
Projects -
Font: SarcasticRobot by Chank