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Start :: Guilty Expression Forums :: Discussion Board :: Miracles
Moderated by: andy



Wave Posted: 10.05.2005, 15:55


Posts: 51

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last visit: 10.05.05
I recently wrote an article all about miracles in my life. I was wondering if anyone would want to talk about miracles in their life.

A miracle that I did not mention in my article is the miracle of when I did my leg in at uni. The strange thing I found is that I had a lot of friends but the odd thing was that only my Christian friends (who didn't know me that well) came round to see me.

Being a very active person and then suddenly forced to stay in a room for weeks, people visiting were definite answers to feeble prayers, when they came I remember it being like a miracle.

I am forever grateful to those people and bearing in mind it is now 8 years on and I still haven't forgotten it, I believe it will stick in my memory for quite some time to come.

p.s. often there isn't a place where we can talk about these things and although I don't feel guilty about it I do feel that this is a place where I can express it and feel that it is safe to do so.

edited by: Wave, May 10, 2005 - 03:58 PM
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andy Posted: 10.05.2005, 19:36


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I came back to being a Christian through a kind of mini/personal email, where I said to God if he existed he had to make someone come into the room in the next few minutes, and then that person did come in.

I was shocked at the time and more than a little scared, and I became a Christian again. In a way it was God proving he cared about me. I'm very grateful for it.
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Anonymous   Posted: 11.05.2005, 12:41
Unregistered User It's weird and a bit scary when you pray for someone and they suddenly get better. This seems to happen more often than I'd expect by chance alone.
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Anonymous   Posted: 14.05.2005, 12:15
Unregistered User That sounds awesome.

My favourite 'impossible to prove God did it mriacle' is the weather. I have often prayed for weather and miraculously it has been just right. You may think oh year pray for weather and think nothing of this but I have been in terrential rain with forecasts for bad news all day and a group of us prayed and about an hour later blue skies.

Similar stories of weather againa and agian but for me the one that topped the bill was the last ime I went climbing and it was literally raining 100m away and sunny where we were climbing!
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Midge Posted: 22.03.2006, 21:49


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You mean these things still happen? I can't think of anything like that in my life in the last few years. Some very weird coincidences, but not ones I can see much point in. All I can think of recently is the fact that I've got somewhere to live for the moment and friends and health and other things, which I'm v grateful for but aren't quite 'miraculous'. Maybe that's because I don't stick my neck out and pray for enough things. Or maybe these things only happen at certain times in your life.
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Anonymous   Posted: 23.03.2006, 12:17
Unregistered User I go for long periods where nothing miraculous happens, and then something like one of your "weird coincidences" happens. Do they happen infrequently enough for them to be statistically expected? It doesn't seem that way.
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Midge Posted: 23.03.2006, 16:38


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Well, if these weird coincidences (which I hadn't prayed for) are God's hand in things, He seems to have a strange sense of humour and I've got no idea what the point was, except to conclude 'Maybe God is moving in my life, but it's certainly in a mysterious way."
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Anonymous   Posted: 24.03.2006, 11:43
Unregistered User Yes, I get those too. Coincidences that seem really extreme, like meeting a friend in the middle of London the day before I was meant to meet him, even though neither of us live in the middle of London - but what's the point, if there is a point?
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Midge Posted: 24.03.2006, 13:44


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They're not the kind of coincidences that reassure me that God exists, unlike the kind I came across when I became a Christian, which convinced me that it wasn't all theoretical whether God existed but He did actually make a difference.
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andy Posted: 25.03.2006, 00:56


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God once used a coincidence to convince me he cared about me - probably more effective that cinvincing me he exists, which is tricker to do with coincidences.
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Midge Posted: 25.03.2006, 13:06


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If the kind of miracles people have been talking about happened regularly to me, I'd find it easier to believe in His existence and His care. But in that way people have of saying, I obviously shouldn't see the lack of these miracles as a sign that God doesn't exist or care for me...
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Midge Posted: 29.03.2006, 17:58


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Having said that, I notice I did say 17 months ago: "in the evening, as soon as the service was over, there was just a whole series of coincidences over the next 3 hours, worthy of Douglas Coupland. I really felt like God was reassuring me that He is still working in my life, behind the scenes, and I felt a lot better. We'll see how I feel tomorrow..." Didn't last too long tho.

I laughed myself to sleep, Donnie-Darko-like, on Monday, thinking about the odd and inscrutable coincidences and trying to imagine that God intended them for my good in some as yet unforeseen way.
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m Posted: 23.04.2006, 17:41


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(Is ages since I posted - spent 9 months being sick and then had a baby so have been a little preoccupied...)

I know people who have told me they experienced miracles: personally never experienced anything huge and spectacular.

But I have experienced things that could be said to be just coincidence that really showed me how much God cared about me. One that vividly sticks in my mind was being at Andy's house when he came back unexpectedly a day early from a walking trip round France. It sounds silly but it felt a lot more special than it sounds!!!

Not long back I took my heavily pregnant sister-in-law to hospital for what she thought was going to be a routine test. Once she'd gone in I decided to go and sit with her. I couldn't find enough money in my wallet after looking 2 or 3 times. Someone gave me a ticket that they had had but it was for the staff parking sections - decided that wasn't a good thing to do so didn't use it. Then I decided I'd park and see if I could find someone who could swap 1 and 2 pences for money that would go in the machine, and if not then I'd risk getting a parking ticket. When I parked and got out, there was a 50p in my wallet that I hadn't seen before - I know a lot of people will say I just didn't notice it, and I know that it is only a little tiny thing, but it felt like a miracle to me.
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~wave~ Posted: 12.09.2006, 13:32


registered: Feb. 2006
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When I didn't know what to do and tried my best to ask God what to do in good Christian tradition he said nothing. I then did what I wanted to do and asked God to bless that time.
Since then I have been in 3 jobs (all very different), enabled to do a degree by an anonymous cheque for �7,000, given a car for free when mine died, and given a fiancee.
I would say that there is no doubt that God has given me miracles in my life but I would also say that life has by no means been easy. The highlights are just that. There were some lowlights but those now seem trivial.
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Midge Posted: 20.09.2006, 18:06


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Thanks for that, wave. Looking back in my diary at what I wrote 3 years ago, the main thing I can learn is not to worry about what I think will happen in the future, and how I'll cope with it, cos I'll probably be completely wrong! I should focus on God rather than what I think is going to happen.

The preacher last Sunday (on Galatians 5) made the point too that 'Does living by grace rather than the law mean we can just do whatever we like? Yes!' That is, as Christians we don't just take on a new set of rules, God really does want our wills to be free, but the Spirit will lead us to genuinely desire what He desires.
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~wave~ Posted: 27.10.2006, 19:45


registered: Feb. 2006
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I think of it as Grace gives us the freedom to say 'Yes' and the law gives the freedom to say 'No'

If you get what I mean??

I just want people to see that following Christ isn't all about being unhappy "serving the lord" but there are many blessing bestowed on the ones he loves or is allowed to love more.
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